Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Summer time is coming

The summer is approaching and with the summer comes the heat. Many of us have pools and with the pools come the cleaning and scrubbing. Now if you are like me sometimes it is great jumping in the pool and cleaning it. I find this this relaxing as well as refreshing. I do know that some people wish they had automatic pool cleaners and if you are one of those please visit automatic pool sweeper reviews and read for yourself which pool cleaners are the best and right for the job.

When the summer gets here there will be many days after swimming I will be riding around in the convertible. The top down, wind blowing, and the sun beaming down. Life will be great. I do know that in order to do this I must have my car in running condition and have everything in working order. While restoring the car I inherited from grandpa I decided to install an ammeter along side the voltmeter. Well we can never be to careful. Plus riding around through the back roads I did not want to break down. If you are thinking about installing an ammeter I suggest reading up on automotive ammeters before just buying the first one you see.

My wife decided this summer to get back into shape. She is hoping to fit into her high school clothes again. However I am hoping she doesnt decide to wear them once she does because they are all out of style. I loved the 80's but I am hoping the clothes dont come back. To get into shape she is going to get jogger stroller to push our daughter around in. Yes there will be days I will push the little one around. Because jogging strollers are much easier to use then those cheap flimsy strollers. The next thing though is our little daughter is learning to walk and I feel that babies learn what they see and do. So we decided to look at baby walkers for girls. This will help her learn to walk and start her out into exercising. Well summer time is coming and if you are like me it is going to be a busy one. I really love the warm weather and all the fun things that can be done outdoors. So until then enjoy your summer time fun.

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